Let’s check first the word meaning in dictionary:
Permaculture [noun]: a system, inspired in natural ecosystems, that aim’s build an ecological human community’s or stable agricultural systems, balanced, self sufficient and that take less damage to nature.
You got the idea, right?
Permaculture is a system of planning to do sustainable human environments, aiming ethical, socioeconomic and ecological aspects.
Created by two Australians, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, in the seventies, the notion of permaculture aims to build productive and conservators systems of natural resources, allowing the use lands without wastes or pollutants, restoring of degrades sights and the minimum waste of electricity, structuring and organizing life in the way that will be abundant to everyone, without damages or wastes to environments.
The permaculture principles are simple and permeate ordinary actions for the good of the world ecosystems, replacing immature and thoughtlessly actions for conscience planning; they are:
1) Taking care of world for ensure maintenance and multiplication of living systems.
2) Taking care of people to promote self-confidence and communitarian responsibility.
3) And finally, learn how to control our necessities, impose limits to consume and, share extra resources to facilitate the access and to preserve our next generation’s survival.
A permaculturist does not mean a person who consumes only nature resources without modification, you have to combine qualities of nature and human creation elements to build sustainable systems.
But, permaculture requires changes in our attitudes and, like the most important things in our life, it takes time and dedication, principally when they represent breaking paradigms.
Take to our life what is radically new is not easy, principally when we must fight against our limits of understanding and acceptation, and make a change beyond of habits: the virtues.
This idea is practiced on five continents of the world and more than a hundred of countries, including Brazil. You can check this website, where permaculture is practiced in Brazil: http://www.permacultura.org.br/.
What do you think about changing your attitudes? The permaculture principles are essential for a healthier society, strive yourself and practice them!
Image: http://permacultureprinciples.com/principles.php
Ana Carolina de Assis Rocha
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