Attitudes, chemical reactions and imbalance
The development of new technologies to meet the
way of life of the human being has entailed an unbridled process in the name of
progress governed by capital. Pragmatics which lasted for many years in order
to generate income without measuring their effects on the environment and
consequently to our health today is seen in the imbalance of numerous natural ecosystems,
the extinction of endemic species and the temperature increase in microclimates,
for instance.
How has happened the increase rate of gas in the atmosphere?

Are there any consequences for the
The increase in levels of ultraviolet radiation resulting from the increase of these gases, including CFCs *, which produce free radicals which react in the atmosphere with O3 (ozone) responsible for blocking solar radiation.
The increase in levels of ultraviolet radiation resulting from the increase of these gases, including CFCs *, which produce free radicals which react in the atmosphere with O3 (ozone) responsible for blocking solar radiation.
+ X° ßà
OX + O2
Thus the emission of gases creates
an imbalance in the cycle of ozone
formation, increasing the incidence of UV-B and temperature in microclimates.
And what about the liquids waste?
The waste produced by
industries and from sewage are often disposed
improperly, these species are not natural and
they are dumped into rivers,
lakes and dams causing
an accumulation of substances that are not part of biogeochemical cycles
that already exist, which causes an
imbalance and increased the
number of infectious diseases and ecologies in bodies of water. (Basic Sanitation).
How can we reverse the situation?
To analyze, explain and reverse processes such as elevated UV-B radiation, high
concentrations of toxic gases and
the increase of diseases is
necessary different areas of knowledge (engineering,
sociology, chemistry, pharmacy, biology)
correlate with the focus on Production and Conscious
Consumption and seek new
methodologies that impact less
and preserve more our health and our ENVIRONMENT.

Fernando Cassas (Tradução: Fernanda Romero)
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