10 de setembro de 2013

Sustainable Flights

Sustainable Flights

     Did you know that a plane in a few hours can emit more carbon into the atmosphere than your car in 120 years? For this reason, during the Rio +20 conference in 2012, an Embraer jet made ​​a flight with renewable fuel.

    Produced by cane sugar, this fuel was tested and approved during the conference. Companies: Blue Airlines, Embraer, Amyris and SG were responsible for the technology used in the plane, which was able to use this fuel.
    The disadvantage of this innovation is: There is no production line for this fuel made from sugarcane so, production becomes five times more expensive than kerosene derived from petroleum, fuel normally used on airplanes.
    There are also projects in other countries that seek to use the sun or electric light to try to make a flight 100% free of pollutants. However, the planes tested with these fuels are still far from taking the same amount of people as a mid size plane, besides being slow and unable to fly for a long time. More tests are being done and technologies have been improved, then maybe in a few years we may see a flying totally sustainable with 100% clean energy.
Research sources: http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/noticia/2012-06-10/jato-da-embraer-fara-voo-com-combustivel-renovavel-durante-rio20

Alex de Almeida Castro (Translation: Fernanda Romero)

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